Together We Succeed

For us to effectively combat human trafficking and forced prostitution which seems to be ever increasing, we are currently planting cell offices in vulnerable communities – kind of an emergency mobile office, where women and girls can seek immediate assistant fleeing pressure from traffickers.

We believe that for human trafficking and forced prostitution to be effectively eradicated, it must be nipped in the bud. By this we mean carry out prevention activities and projects in countries which are characterized as all- in-one such as countries of origin, transit and destination.

We are building a vocational and development center for women and girls in Nigeria to empower the vulnerable community and provide an alternative to trafficking and forced prostitution.

This center will include, learning tailoring, handcraft, shoe making, reading and writing, computer learning, fishery, hair plaiting, etc.


We just can not do any of these activities without your moral and financial support. Therefore, we are in need of your financial asisstance. You can impact the world and bring a change to nations, women and girls by your givings. The money in your hand can transform a child´s life forever.


Great Africa Network for Women e.V. is mainly supported by donations. Our work always needs financial means, e.g. for the rent of an office, the living and household expenses, the salaries of our two part-time employees as well as for campaigns on special occasions could be made possible if we have your support.

We are happy to give you suggestions on how you can support our work in various ways.

If you would like to support us financially:

Bank: Mittelbrandenburgische Sparkasse,

IBAN: DE87 1605 0000 1000 5407 97

(account holder: Great Africa Network for Women e.V.)

You can also donate to us online via Paypal. However, Paypal charges fees that will be deducted from your donation:
